Phasegrowth, SpaceSUITE and the Estonian Space Office invites you to the event:

Skills Intelligence in the Space Downstream Sector

  • Date: Wednesday 3 July 2024.

  • Venue: Tallinn University of Technology, Mektory building, Raja Street 15, Tallinn.

  • Format: The event will be held in-person.

  • Duration: From 10:30 to 17:00.

  • Price: The participation is free of charge.

SpaceSUITE is organizing its first in-person dissemination event on 3 July 2024 in Tallinn, Estonia, focused on skills intelligence in the European space downstream sector. The event will introduce a comprehensive assessment of the existing skills and skills gaps in this sector.

During the event, the results of the SpaceSUITE work on skills intelligence will be presented, along with upcoming project activities. This event is designed for students interested in space-related careers and education, job seekers and professionals looking to enter or advance in the space downstream sector, academics involved in space-related research and education, and policymakers involved in space policy and strategy development.

All participants will be actively engaged in the discussions.

Mektory building of TalTech
Mektory building of TalTech
Innovation and Business Centre Mektory
Part of the Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia's top centre for technical education, the Innovation and Business Center Mektory is a collection of test laboratories, workshops, companies' demo studios, exhibition and conference hall, culturally-themed studios and an Energy Discovery Centre.

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